
Friday, May 11, 2012

Darn tooth (rant)

Well what do ya know a few weeks before we are to go on our trip Jaynes tooth is acting up ..darn it the only cavity she had and it had to be root canal ..and if course we had nothing but problems with it in the beginning it was their fault with the problems this time it most likely is our for waiting ..all because of work and track meets we just couldn't go soon enough ..was gonna make an appointment to go right when we got back from vacation..But looks like we will be going sooner this time no excuses for the kid..we go when i get the appointment on Thursday.

.Why oh why can't they be open on Saturdays ..drives me nuts nothing is this area we live in is opened on Saturdays..not the doctors, dentist not even the banks are opened..

Oh well that's what we get fro living in the Desert..

Rant is over LOL , felt good to get it out..LOL

Have a great night all, Sleep well and GOD BLESS YOU ALL..


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wow it has been a long time since my last post..:)

Wow it has been a while since I have posted...Well let's see .
Some good news Jayne and I will be heading to new jersey
to visit family. We are traveling by train, oh how I love traveling
by train. It is going to be so much fun. Gonna miss the hubby though
He is staying home with the poochies..:)..

Speaking of family..Why does the family dynamics have to be so difficult
at  times?..Me I have been deeply hurt by some family members..Yes I
forgive them..But I have to keep my guard up..My Husband too,
His Family is just as dysfunctional as mine..lolol..But all in all
Anyway it will be nice to see my family in June..

Will take lots of pictures to share..:)

well I got to go cook dinner..hopefully will be back later
or tomorrow to post some more..


Thursday, March 1, 2012

I know I haven't posted in a while, been a bit busy with work and just plain ole life..Hubby had just had a cancer removed from his neck, called Basal cell carcinoma, it was all removed successfully, now we just need to go back and have the stitches removed.

 Basketball season is over for my teenage daughter, they didn't do too well, but they did try now it is on to track this should be good. Hey at least she is trying. I am so proud of her. She works hard in school gets great grades. Would you believe someone stole her geometry homework yesterday, Darn lazy kids who can' do their own homework. Now she has to do it all over again good thing the teacher is  giving them until Tuesday to hand it in..

Oh I cannot wait until the spring arrives I am so tired of being cold. I know we didn't have much of a winter but I am so over the cold. To me the winter makes you lazy you don't want to do anything but stay home and get under the covers. At least with the spring and summer it stays lighter out longer you get to do things outside the house go for walks at night or just sit outside your house and talk with the neighbors as they pass buy. Also work in your gardens, which I cannot wait to do. I am gonna make a nice little flower garden this spring, I will post before and after pictures soon.

Well it is getting late I have to get to sleep work in the morning..Will post more soon..

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Evening..

Well I started to put my shelf liner on my shelves today and only got 3 of them done before I ran out of it.. I hope when I go back to the store they will have more of the same pattern.

I knew I should have gotten two of them but me being so darn cheap I only got one figuring it will be enough for a small project..

Today for dinner I made chicken wings with mushroom, white rice and refried beans. As my husband put it, it was ok, I think the chicken wings and mushrooms needed more flavor.

It was a quiet day today very nice day i must say.

Tim watched tv all day, Ha he is still watching tv..It is ok it just seems to be one of those days..

Jayne she is feeling a bit better she just stayed in bed all day and watched tv or played on the pc, I made her take a warm shower and get herself ready for school tomorrow.

And me I am playing around here on my blog trying to make it more interesting so people will enjoy reading it. And I am also going back and forth on facebook checking my farmville and yoville, boy I am hooked lol..

That is about it for now unless something happens or I find something interesting to post.

Sunday morning

 It is Sunday morning and it is my day off of work..My girl is in bed with a cold and hubby is still sleeping. Sitting here drinking my coffee and pondering the meaning of my life.

 It is quiet in the morning when I am up by myself and I like it, Don't get me wrong here now I do love to talk heck I talk all day in work,I talk when I am home,  But sometimes I just love the quietness it gives me time to think, to talk to GOD , to just sit and enjoy the solitude.

I  can not wait till spring so I can finish up my garden..I want to put Daisies and Roses and Daffodils, and maybe some Cactus and plant our Palm tree.

 It is not a very big garden it is just a little piece of land on the side of the house that I am making mine. I was gonna take some of the back yard that I had cut off for my entertaining but that went to the wayside when that darn dog got hurt, so now it is theirs.

Can't even barbecue out back, I had so many Ideas for back there too. Kinda stinks but oh well such is life sometimes..

 I will post some before and after pictures of the garden, It sure will be a fun project.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Good morning, It has been a few days since I last posted been a little busy doing really work and house keeping..

AHH but yesterday I put on a pair of pants I  have not worn in a while and they were a bit tighter then I remembered. So here comes the healthy eating and portion control..No Dieting for me that is a nasty four letter word I  like to look at it as a healthy eating or changing the way I eat..

Well I haven't weighed myself got to get batteries for the scale will be doing that today..I am sure i need to lose at least 20 to 25 lbs i know i can do it, Hey I quit smoking over 2 years ago i know i can do this..

So if anyone has any tips or recipes to share Please do post them..I will also be posting some to as I find them..

I got to go get ready for work it is Friday so have a great weekend. And MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND KEEP YOU SAFE

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Today is my Christina's Birthday she is 28 ..

It has been 5 years since I last saw her beautiful face..I hope and pray that GOD is watching over her and keeping her safe..

The one thing I want to tell her is that I love her and miss her very much..Also I hope she is happy  because all I ever wanted was for her to be happy..

So Here is a Great Big Happy Birthday to my Girl Christina..

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Life goes on ..Enjoy everyday like it was your last..We all have problems some worst then other but all in all they are our problems..Put a smile on your face it will make you feel better...And remember no matter what happens life does go on..

Monday, January 16, 2012

How to Reduce Static Electricity From Your Hair

Found this information useful..
How to Reduce Static Electricity From Your Hair

Start of a new week

Well it is Monday morning and the start of a new week, lets see what kind of trouble we get into. Ha Ha just kidding. I am sitting in my office drinking my cup of freshly brewed coffee pondering what to write on my blog, (I did mention I am new to this right?) So things may seem a little unorganized on the page but I am working on it so give me some time and hopefully it will be worth reading.
 It is a bit windy out this morning but it will warm up during the day, it is the desert cold nights and morning and warm/hot days.  Jayne has the day off thanks to MLK Day..She is going to do some activities At FE FE'S Place Today, and then tomorrow she has another basketball game GO RAVENS..Lets all hope they win this one. 
Oh this dry spell we are having is wrecking havoc to my hair it has so much static and my skin is so dry so if anyone has any little secrets they want to share leave a comment :). And I will surely leave some links that I find useful.
Well Ta Ta for now ..but will be back later if anything interesting or funny happens.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

101 New Uses for Everyday Things

Useful information..
101 New Uses for Everyday Things
Sundays are my days off it is a day to spend with my family doing chores and just spending time together..Today I will be working on my garden weather permitting that is it looks a bit windy out there today so time will tell.
I will be doing some cooking too I will be making a tuna pasta salad and also for dinner I will be making beef with peppers and onions over rice and maybe make some homemade dinner rolls. If anything funny happens today i will be back to post
I am New to blogging so I am going to give it a try here..I will be blogging about my everyday day life here in the California Desert..Will also be adding some of my favorite photos and quotes and maybe even some of my favorite videos ..And also some of the fun and crazy stories from my job and my every day life..Hope who ever reads it enjoys it..It will be a happy Blog :).
Missy and Luke they are a hoot