
Monday, January 16, 2012

Start of a new week

Well it is Monday morning and the start of a new week, lets see what kind of trouble we get into. Ha Ha just kidding. I am sitting in my office drinking my cup of freshly brewed coffee pondering what to write on my blog, (I did mention I am new to this right?) So things may seem a little unorganized on the page but I am working on it so give me some time and hopefully it will be worth reading.
 It is a bit windy out this morning but it will warm up during the day, it is the desert cold nights and morning and warm/hot days.  Jayne has the day off thanks to MLK Day..She is going to do some activities At FE FE'S Place Today, and then tomorrow she has another basketball game GO RAVENS..Lets all hope they win this one. 
Oh this dry spell we are having is wrecking havoc to my hair it has so much static and my skin is so dry so if anyone has any little secrets they want to share leave a comment :). And I will surely leave some links that I find useful.
Well Ta Ta for now ..but will be back later if anything interesting or funny happens.

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