
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Evening..

Well I started to put my shelf liner on my shelves today and only got 3 of them done before I ran out of it.. I hope when I go back to the store they will have more of the same pattern.

I knew I should have gotten two of them but me being so darn cheap I only got one figuring it will be enough for a small project..

Today for dinner I made chicken wings with mushroom, white rice and refried beans. As my husband put it, it was ok, I think the chicken wings and mushrooms needed more flavor.

It was a quiet day today very nice day i must say.

Tim watched tv all day, Ha he is still watching tv..It is ok it just seems to be one of those days..

Jayne she is feeling a bit better she just stayed in bed all day and watched tv or played on the pc, I made her take a warm shower and get herself ready for school tomorrow.

And me I am playing around here on my blog trying to make it more interesting so people will enjoy reading it. And I am also going back and forth on facebook checking my farmville and yoville, boy I am hooked lol..

That is about it for now unless something happens or I find something interesting to post.

1 comment:

  1. I don't like mushrooms. We went to the tuna place the other day and I gave my mushrooms to hubby. Bleh.
