
Friday, January 27, 2012

Good morning, It has been a few days since I last posted been a little busy doing really work and house keeping..

AHH but yesterday I put on a pair of pants I  have not worn in a while and they were a bit tighter then I remembered. So here comes the healthy eating and portion control..No Dieting for me that is a nasty four letter word I  like to look at it as a healthy eating or changing the way I eat..

Well I haven't weighed myself got to get batteries for the scale will be doing that today..I am sure i need to lose at least 20 to 25 lbs i know i can do it, Hey I quit smoking over 2 years ago i know i can do this..

So if anyone has any tips or recipes to share Please do post them..I will also be posting some to as I find them..

I got to go get ready for work it is Friday so have a great weekend. And MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND KEEP YOU SAFE

1 comment:

  1. If you cannot change the quality of your food you can always change the portion control of your food. Try to eat half meals instead of full meals. So when you come home from lunch make a full meal, eat half and take half to work. Then eat the rest 3 hours later if you can.
