
Saturday, November 16, 2013

finally catching up..:)

 November 8, 2013 I am thankful for music...I love to sing...I love listening to music..Music just makes me feel good..

 November 9, 2013 I am thankful for my dad..He is not with us on this earth anymore but he is in my thoughts and my heart..

 November 10 2013 I am thankful for the Laughter..hearing my girls laugh and giggle together just makes my heart glow...

 November 11 2013, I am thankful for all our Military men and women..Thank you for protecting our freedom ...GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU..

 November 12, 2013 I am thankful for Tuesday nights, I get to watch my favorite show, NCIS..

Today November 13, 2013 I am thankful that GOD gave us beautiful flowers to smell and to look at ..

 November 14 2013 I am thankful for good friends...They just know how to make everyday a good day..

 November 15, 2013 I am thankful for my dogs..They bring such joy to me everyday..

 November 16, 2013 I am thankful for my good health..

Friday, November 15, 2013


Looks like I have not been on here in a week..I am getting ready for work now but will be back on later to give my last 7 days of thankfulness...Have a Blessed day all..

Friday, November 8, 2013

Today November 8, 2013 I am thankful for music...I love to sing...I love listening to music..Music just makes me feel good..

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Good Morning ..Today November 7, 2013 I am thankful for my brothers and sister..We might not talk every day or month and some of us might not talk at all..but we share many childhood experiences ..many laughs and many cries..we shared everyday and holidays...
I cherish those memories they are a good part of my life..
I love you all..

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 4... I am thankful that God is in my life..
He is my strength, and my hope , without him my life would not be complete..Thank you GOD for being here for me always..Amen

November 5... I am thankful for my Mom..without her I would not be the woman I am today..I love you mom.

November 6... I am thankful for the Sunrises..they bring Light and joy to our world..without them we would be living in a dark place..They give us hope of a new day a new beginning..

Sunday, November 3, 2013

My Thankfuls for the last 3 days

A little behind here so I am going to post my first 3 days in one post..

November 1..I am thankful I have a job to go to...
November 2...I am thankful for my husband Tim..I love him dearly
November 3...I am thankful for my Girls Christina & Jayne..I love them very very much..

Thursday, October 31, 2013

AHH today is the last day of the month of October..We are now on to the month of November..I Think I am going to post 28 things I am grateful for starting tomorrow November 1 to November 28..It would be wonderful for all of you to share too..So come on and join in feel free to post ..





Sunday, October 20, 2013


Family is a important part of life ..doesn't matter if you have a large family or small family...All that matters is that you love and respect each other..and at times forgive...

Friday, October 4, 2013


What a week I am exhausted..good thing I work tomorrow and the have 
Sunday and Monday off..Yay two days in a row, only down side is I have to work 
both next Saturday and Sunday and Sunday is an 11 am to 8 pm shift..But why complain 
I do have a job.

Looks like Jayne is going to have a long weekend too she will be doing community 
clean up this weekend, a requirement of doing sports in school is to do volunteer 
work. She don't mind she actually likes it..What a good kid she is...<3..

Looks like me and the husband will be rearranging  the bedroom this weekend
and putting up the new ceiling fan he bought me for my birthday...

Ah and also we will be cleaning the car and putting my new dashboard cover 
and new front seat covers on my car..yay now I just have to make covers for 
my back seat ( they seem to not make them for my car)..

Still waiting for my Bzzagent to come in the mail..Hopefully it will be here 
tomorrow and I can start drinking the Green Mountain fair trade coffee 
and writing my reviews about it..I am sure I am gong to like it , I already like
the green mountain donut shop coffee one of mine and my husbands favorites.

Well that is all for now..have a great night all


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Well It is Thursday my day off..went and got new tires for the hubby's truck and we went for lunch..We went to Del Taco..Tim said we should write Del Taco and tell them to open one in out town..LOL..:)
We then went to KMART and got us some things. After that we came home and did some rearranging of Tim's man zone..
I cooked dinner in the crock pot today, yummy new recipe..... ( great idea here, I should post the new recipes here when I make them, will start with the next one...kinda late here tonight)..
Spent some time with my girl Jayne  tonight before ..I love that kiddo of mine..
Good night all..May your dreams be filled with good thoughts 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Green Mountain Coffee

It has been a long time....

Since I have posted on looks like the tooth rant of last year was the last post.
I am trying to find what works and what to post about..what interest people and what don't....
So I am gonna try this I have recently become a bzzagent and my first campaign is for coffee. 
it is Green Mountain Coffee Fair Trade Certified. 
I  am going to post on here about it and hopefully get people interest in my blog..