
Friday, May 11, 2012

Darn tooth (rant)

Well what do ya know a few weeks before we are to go on our trip Jaynes tooth is acting up ..darn it the only cavity she had and it had to be root canal ..and if course we had nothing but problems with it in the beginning it was their fault with the problems this time it most likely is our for waiting ..all because of work and track meets we just couldn't go soon enough ..was gonna make an appointment to go right when we got back from vacation..But looks like we will be going sooner this time no excuses for the kid..we go when i get the appointment on Thursday.

.Why oh why can't they be open on Saturdays ..drives me nuts nothing is this area we live in is opened on Saturdays..not the doctors, dentist not even the banks are opened..

Oh well that's what we get fro living in the Desert..

Rant is over LOL , felt good to get it out..LOL

Have a great night all, Sleep well and GOD BLESS YOU ALL..


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wow it has been a long time since my last post..:)

Wow it has been a while since I have posted...Well let's see .
Some good news Jayne and I will be heading to new jersey
to visit family. We are traveling by train, oh how I love traveling
by train. It is going to be so much fun. Gonna miss the hubby though
He is staying home with the poochies..:)..

Speaking of family..Why does the family dynamics have to be so difficult
at  times?..Me I have been deeply hurt by some family members..Yes I
forgive them..But I have to keep my guard up..My Husband too,
His Family is just as dysfunctional as mine..lolol..But all in all
Anyway it will be nice to see my family in June..

Will take lots of pictures to share..:)

well I got to go cook dinner..hopefully will be back later
or tomorrow to post some more..
