
Thursday, March 1, 2012

I know I haven't posted in a while, been a bit busy with work and just plain ole life..Hubby had just had a cancer removed from his neck, called Basal cell carcinoma, it was all removed successfully, now we just need to go back and have the stitches removed.

 Basketball season is over for my teenage daughter, they didn't do too well, but they did try now it is on to track this should be good. Hey at least she is trying. I am so proud of her. She works hard in school gets great grades. Would you believe someone stole her geometry homework yesterday, Darn lazy kids who can' do their own homework. Now she has to do it all over again good thing the teacher is  giving them until Tuesday to hand it in..

Oh I cannot wait until the spring arrives I am so tired of being cold. I know we didn't have much of a winter but I am so over the cold. To me the winter makes you lazy you don't want to do anything but stay home and get under the covers. At least with the spring and summer it stays lighter out longer you get to do things outside the house go for walks at night or just sit outside your house and talk with the neighbors as they pass buy. Also work in your gardens, which I cannot wait to do. I am gonna make a nice little flower garden this spring, I will post before and after pictures soon.

Well it is getting late I have to get to sleep work in the morning..Will post more soon..